World Cup football- more than just a beautiful game

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  1. 36 years later and still no justice

    Published 15th February 2018

    Last week Monday (5 February) marked the 36th anniversary of anti-apartheid activist, Neil Hudson Aggetts untimely death in detention after enduring severe and unrelenting torture at the hands of the security branch police. His torturers are yet to be brought to justice- an all too familiar state of affairs that threatens the very essence of […]

  2. Consequences of impunity

    Published 16th March 2017

    Impunity has long lasting and severe consequences. South Sudan, Africa’s newest independent state, is a prime example of this. South Sudan has been plagued by challenges for several years and the recently released UN Commission Report on Human Rights in South Sudan depicts a devastating and grim situation. Whilst there are many explanations for the […]

  3. The high price of impunity

    Published 19th January 2017

    In December 2016 we celebrated the prospect of a peaceful democratic transition in Gambia as President Yahya Jammeh conceded defeat in the elections after over two decades in power. One week later, he changed his tune and refused to accept the election results. He remains defiant. Regional and international leaders are trying to persuade Jammeh […]